The purpose of work was study of the role of creatine-kinase system in the function ation of the different kinds of muscle from the irradiated animals posterity. It is established that functioning of the creatine-kinase systems does not change essentially in the 1-month-old posterity from irradiated in the dose of 0.5 Gy animals. With increasing of an exposure dose of parents up to 1.0 and 3.0 Gy in muscle from the 1-month-old posterity the creatine content, the general activity of creatine kinase, its CK-MM form and mitochondrial forms fractionally decreases till the lowest values in the posterity in the animals irradiated in the dose of 3.0 Gy that renders negative influence on sceletal and a cardiac musle function.
The exercise loading in 1-month-old posterity with augmentation of irradiation dose of their parents leads to depletion of creatine-kinase system reserves in a muscle. It is displayed by essential depression of the maintenance of creatine and creatinine in tissues, decreasing of the general activity of creatine kinase in the muscles due to CK-MM and mitochondrial forms of ferment.