Morphology of blood cells of laboratory animals and humans: Atlas. V. M. Zaporozhan, V. K. Napkhanyuk, N. O. Goryanova, Yu. I. Bazhora, V. Y. Kresyun, K. L. Servetskyy. — Odesa: Odessa. state med. university, 2002. — 118 p. Table 10. Ill. 114. Bibliography: 55 titles.

The article contains a response to the atlas “Morphology of blood cells of laboratory animals and humans”, published by Odessa State Medical University in 2002.

The authors of the atlas highlight the latest research methods that allow detailed structural and functional analysis at the molecular and submolecular levels.

The atlas can be useful to a wide range of doctors, biologists, veterinary medicine specialists, zooengineers, etc. The materials meet modern requirements and cause the interest of specialists both in our country and abroad.