Експериментальне вивчення впливу нанометалів на ембріогенез і розвиток серця

Experimental work is devoted to the definition of morphogenesis effects of the isolated impact of ultra-low doses (0.05 mcg/kg) lead acetate and silver citrate action on the general course of embryogenesis and development heart embryos of rats in the experiment. By using morphological methods there studied embryotoxic effect of these substances when they are isolated and combined administration throughout pregnancy. Experimentally determined increase in the total embryonic mortality (in 2.16 times) in isolated administered lead acetate and embryonic mortality reduction in the group combined the introduction of nanosilver.

Using morphometric and microscopic research methods spectrum disorders were found in isolated cardiogenesis introduction of lead acetate, determined thinning compact infarction, ventricular septal thinning and reducing the wall thickness of the atrial trabeculae with developmental delays. Violation of the formation of valvular heart manifested in the formation of additional valves tendon strings atrioventricular valves.

In groups of isolated and combined influence of nanosilver defined compact infarction thickness recovery, ventricular walls, no violations of the formation of valvular and ventricular septal.