Pharmacotherapeutic Efficacy of Standardized Liposomal Form of Quercetine in Modelling Keratitis and Keratoconjunctivitis

When modelling traumatic keratitis in rabbits, Lipoflavon-nano eye drop instillations have been found to have an apparent anti-inflammatory action that dicrease the inflammation reaction from the cornea, conjunctiva, and the eyeball. Stimulating regenerative processes, Lipoflavon-nano 2.1–22.0 times decreases the area of corneal erosion and accelerates the rates of completion of corneal epithelialization as compared to controls (epithelialization is completed the 3rd day).

On a model of photokeratoconjunctivitis caused by ultraviolet radiation, Lipoflavon-nano eye drops have been shown to have an apparent anti-inflammatory action which is evident as a decrease in all signs of inflammation as early as 3rd day after treatment onset.