Instructions to authors

Editorial Board considers only the articles being up to the journal thematics and the following requirements.

1. The article is sent to Editorial Board in two copyrights with signatures of all authors. It is accompanied by the directive to Editorial Board with a signature of the director and a stamp of the establishment. The authors of our country have to give conclusions of experts allowing an open publication as well as information about the authors with indication of surname, name and patronymic (in full), scientific rank, working place, post, address, phone and fax numbers. If the materials which are intellectual property of some organizations and have never published before are used in the article, the author should take a permission of each of these organizations on the publication.

It is obligatory to send the computer version of the article on a disket or a disk CD ROM in two copies.

The authors should indicate the name of a chapter to which the article is sent. The main chapters of the journal are following: “Lectures of Nobel prize winners”, “Methodology of integrative processes”, “Onto- and phylogenesis”, “Genetic aspects of biology and medicine”, “Cloning: medicine, ethics, law”, “Reproduction. Medical, Ethic, and social problems”, “Problems of bioethics”, “Pathological states and modern technologies”, “Intellect: problems of formation and development”, “Social and ecological aspects of person’s existance”, “Person and society”, “Philosophical problems of gerontology and geriatrics”, “Person and Universe”, “Life and death: unity and opposites”, “Discussions”, “Bookshelf”, “Letters to Editorial Board”.

2. The articles ordered by Editorial Board of the journal are published first of all. The articles, which have been already printed in other editions, as well as the works which after the essence are processing of the articles published before and do not contain a new scientific material or new scientific comprehension of the known material, are not considered. For the violation of this condition full responsibility rests with the author.

3. The working languages of the journal are Ukrainian and English.

4. Requirements to the articles depending on category.

The material of a research article with general volume of up to 8 standart pages should be as following:

a) code UDC;

b) surname and initials of an author (authors), scientific rate;

c) the heading of the article;

d) the full name of the establishment where the article is done;

e) the set of a problem in general and its connection with scientific or practical tasks;

f) analysis of last researches and publications refering to which the author begins solving of the problem;

g) enlightening of not solving parts of the general problem the article is devoted to;

h) the aims of the article;

i) presentation of the main research information with entire grounding of recieved scientific results;

j) the research conclusions and perspectives of further work in this branch;

k) literature — no more than 15 references.

l) two abstracts — in Ukrainian and English up to 800 printing letters after the following scheme: UDC index, initials and the last name of author (authors), title of the article, text of the abstract, key words (no more than five).

Problem article (general volume is up to 10 pa- ges) shows the author’s point of view to the actual problems. Structure of the article is as the author thinks the best. If the volume is more, it is necessary to submit it to Editorial Board’s approval.

Review article should be with general volume up to 12 pages. References are no more than 40 items.

Letters (general volume is up to 1.5 standart pages) discuss the material published in “Integrative Anthropology” or other issues.

Reviews (general volume is up to 2 standard pages) present an information about new books, CD ROM, exhibitions and films in interest of the journal.

Notes: general volume contains all the publication elements, i.e. headings, an article or a message, references, abstracts, key words, tables (no more than three), graphical data (no more than 2 drawings or fotos), except the information about authors. The papers containing pictures, tables and so on are expelled from general counting.

5. Text is printed on a standard paper of A4 format (width of fields: from the left, above and below — 2 cm, from the right — 1 cm), a page should contain no more than 32 lines with 64 signs in each.

The SI (System International) should be used in the articles.

Text should be sent in Times New Roman (Times New Roman Cyr), 14 points, 1.5-spacing throughout the text and saved in files of such formats as Word for Windows and RTF (Reach Text Format).

You should not import any tables, drawings, and pictures in the text.

6. Tables can be created by means of that text-processor which is used for the basic text type-setting. They should be on a separate page with its legend doubled-spaced above the table.

7. Grafical data can be sent in such programms as Excel, MS Graph and given in the separate files of the proper formats, and also in such formats as TIF, CDR, or WMF. Resolution for drawing originals must be 300–600 dpi B&W, for foto originals — 200–300 dpi Grey Scale (256 gradations of gray). Width of graphical originals — 8.5 and 17.5 cm.

Pictures and their legends are done separately from one another. All the picture legends are given on a separate paper. You should mark the heading and the number of the article with a pencil on the back side of every picture, if it is necessary, you should mark top and bottom.

You should mark the proper places for pictures and tables on fields of the manuscript. The information presented in tables and pictures cannot be dublicated.

8. The list of references is designed according to DSTU GOST 8302:2015, Abbreviations of words and word combinations are given according to DSTU 3582-97, GOST 7.12-93 and 7.11-78

References are given in square brackets according to the literature list numeration. Literature in a list should be composed according to the reference order in the article. If the articles are of the same author, they should be presented in a chronological order.

It should be reference on each work in a reference list.

9. Editorial Board has the right to review, correct and refuse those articles which don’t meet Editorial Board requirements without explaining the grounds. Manuscripts are not returned back.

In order to increase responsibility of a reviewer for the recommended work, under the article one writes his scientific degree, scientific rank, initials and last name, excluding the articles, presented by members of NAS and governmental academies of Ukraine.

10. The articles sent to the authors for correcting should be returned back until three days after the receipt. There can be allowed mistakes only in a type-setting in an author’s proof-reading.

11. You should send the articles to the following address:

Editorial committee of the journal “Integrative Anthropology”, The Odessa National Medical University, Valihovsky lane, 2, Odessa, 65082, Ukraine; e-mail:

12. For any questions and supplementary information you can apply by following telephone numbers:

+38-(067) 734-74-99

+38-(048) 711-72-54

+38-(048) 728-54-74

Editorial Board