Короткий опис (реферат):
Arterial hypertension (HTN) is frequently associated with comorbid
diseases. Hypertensive patients commonly have one or several co-existent
pathologies. The most frequent ones include diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome,
chronic kidney disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cerebrovascular
disease and others. The comorbidities have mutual impact on each other, character
and severity of complications. They often lead to complications, influence the choice
of antihypertensive drugs. The guidelines of the European Society of Cardiologists
and the European Society on Hypertension, the American Association of Heart and
the American Association of Strokes, the Russian Cardiologic Society and Scientific
Association of Nephrologists of Russia, the Russian Medical Society on Arterial Hypertension give recommendations based on the available evidence. Comorbidities
influence both the choice of antihypertensive drugs and target blood pressure level.
Recently the current concepts were updated by the novel results and meta-analyses.
Hypertensive patients with coexistent pathologies require individual approach,
complex diagnostics and treatment dependent on the type of comorbidity.