Освящаются вопросы разработки гомеостатических критериев эффективности и безопасности
фармакотерапии препаратами лизиноприл, бисопролол, индапамид, изосорбида динитрат,
ацетилсалициловая кислота на основании изучения динамики гомеостатических нарушений и
их ассоциации с клинико-лабораторными параметрами у пожилых пациентов с артериальной
гипертензией ІІ–ІІІ стадии в сочетании с ишемической болезнью сердца.
The article is dedicated to development of homeostatic criteria of efficacy and safety of drugs combinations
“lisinopril, bisoprolol, indapamide, isosorbide dinitrate, acetylsalicylic acid”. These criteria
are based on study of homeostatic shifts and their association with clinical and laboratory parameters
on elder patients with arterial hypertension (AH) II, III stage combined with coronary artery disease
Complex clinical, biochemical, biophysical and instrumental investigation was performed in 67 patients
with AH II, III stage combined with CAD.
On the grounds of developed criteria was established that for patients with AH II and CAD is not
recommended combination “lisinopril, acetylsalicylic acid” and for those ones with AH III and CAD
prohibited combinations “lisinopril, bisoprolol, acetylsalicylic acid” and “lisinopril, bisoprolol, indapamide,
isosorbide dinitrate, acetylsalicylic acid” in order to prevent development of drug induced renal
It was also determined safety of combinations “lisinopril, bisoprolol, acetylsalicylic acid”; “lisinopril,
bisoprolol, indapamide, acetylsalicylic acid” for patients with AH II and CAD and “lisinopril, bisoprolol,
indapamide, acetylsalicylic acid” for those ones with AH III and CAD.