Повышение стоматологической заболеваемости, которое отмечается в последние годы, привело к возникновению целого ряда социально-экономических и медицинских проблем не только в Украине, но и в других странах мира. Влияние химических соединений на организм человека и его ткани может проявляться на субмолекулярном, молекулярном и клеточном уровнях, приводя к изменению метаболических процессов в тканях полости рта и организме в целом.
Підвищення рівня стоматологічної захворюваності останніми роками призвело до виникнення цілої низки соціально-економічних і медичних проблем не тільки в Україні, а і в інших країнах світу. Вплив хімічних сполук на організм людини і його тканини може проявлятися на субмолекулярному, молекулярному і клітинному рівнях, призводячи до зміни метаболічних процесів у тканинах порожнини рота і організмі в цілому.
At present there is no existing final view on the etiology and pathogenesis of major dental diseases, and therefore offers a lot of different schemes and products for their prevention and treatment. Prevention of any disease, including dental, at present stage should be carried out in the first place, taking into account climatic, and ecological products. In conditions of high radiation background there is a tendency to an increase in the incidence of periodontal tissues due to decreased general resistance of the organism. The impact of chemical compounds on the human body and its tissues can be shown on submolecular, molecular and cellular levels, leading to changes in metabolic processes in the tissues of the mouth and the body as a whole. Thus, the researchers proved negative impact of iron ore dust, vibration, noise, temperature fluctuations on
the state of different tissues. These working conditions are regarded as the main etiological factor in the development of diseases such as lichen planus. In addition, there is the presence of wide range of diseases of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and periodontal tissues in miners. The structure of prevalence and severity of these diseases is directly dependent on the length of the work in hazardous conditions. The number of patients with gingivitis and periodontitis is much higher among people who live in the contaminated areas after Chernobyl accident as compared to persons living in the clean areas of these regions. The negative influence makes harmful chemicals which fill the air of ship’s premises. The development of global and national economics determines the development of the industrial complex. The work of employees in selected industries is associated with particularly dangerous working conditions characterized by complex influence of harmful factors of different sources and intensity. Extremely dangerous working conditions under the influence of radiation and chemical factors cause more significant intensity of dental diseases, primarily, periodontal and oral mucosa diseases.