Кількість одонтогенних запальних захворювань серед військовослужбовців
ЗС України залишається на високому рівні.
Проаналізовано характер та розподіл періодонтальної інфекції
за причинним зубом, категоріями військовослужбовців,
сезонність захворювань.
Having analyzed the character and division between periodontal
infection in the causing tooth and military rank the highest frequency of the illness cases throughout the year as well as the
ones among the military has been defined.
Periodontitis illnesses are nowadays the third most frequent
complaint after caries and pulpits. In literature sources are numerous
data to be found stating that qualified dental treatment
for diagnosis “periodontitis” is needed in 15 to 30% of all dental
patients. Periodontitis cause in 90% acute odontogen purulent
processes in the jaw and facial area.
One of the most important tasks in dentistry still remains
prophylaxis, diagnostics and treatment of the purulent illnesses
of periodontal tissues which are currently widespread aggravating
the state of the surrounding tissues and causing tooth loss.
Conclusion. The received statistical data have shown that
monthly average complaints about acute and chronicle apical
infection at the clinic of jaw and facial surgery and dentistry of
the Principal Military Medical Clinical Centre “GVKG”
amounts 9 to 11 patients with 25 % ratio for the in-hospital patients
accordingly. The average in-hospital stay lasted for 8,6
As to periostitis, the vast majority of the illness cases are comprised
of the military in service for a fixed period (73 % ), which
proves a poor sanation in the army and prior to conscription to
the Armed Forces of Ukraine. These data state the unsatisfactory
level of sanitary and educational measures among the military
as well as the low sanation level in both military units and
during the pre-conscription period.
Количество одонтогенных воспалительных заболеваний
среди военнослужащих ВС Украины остается на высоком
уровне. Проанализирован характер и распределение периодонтальной
инфекции с причинным зубом, категориями военнослужащих,
сезонность заболеваний.